European Institute

This course aims to develop twelve skills intended to help students in the age of the Internet to succeed in their careers. These abilities are essential in today’s modern markets.

These skills are divided into three categories:

  1. Learning skills enable students the mental processes required in a modern work environment. These skills, also known as “four C´s”, are:
  • Critical thinking: How to find solutions to problems, which helps students to figure out the problems without any help.
  • Creativity: Thinking outside the box. This enables students to see concepts in a different perspective, which leads to new innovations.
  • Collaboration: Working together with others, which includes to be willing to sacrifice own ideas and adopt others to get best results for the own company.
  • Communication: Exchanging of information. This skill brings all these educational abilities together.
  1. Literacy skills, also known as IMT skills, enable students to acquire the elements of digital comprehension. These skills are:
  • Information literacy: How to understand and interpret figures, statistics and data
  • Media literacy: Understanding of information in published media
  • Technology literacy: Understanding of techniques, which provides the digital life.
  1. Life skills enable students to establish social skills, which are important in professional business environment.
  • Flexibility: Adaptation into changing circumstances.
  • Leadership: Motivation of team members.
  • Initiative: Coordination of projects on one´s own.
  • Productivity: Maintaining efficiency also in the case of distractions.
  • Social skills: Acquisition of members and networking for mutual benefits.
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